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About We Belong Network

WBN is the future
for our veterans.

We Belong Network is a Digital platform that seeks to serve our nation's veterans their friends and families. We provide Resources, Information, and Entertainment that is relevant to the Urban based veteran community.

Our Vision

WBN was created by Richard C. Best, our CEO, Co-Founder, and Vietnam Veteran. He recalls the times when it was difficult for him to assimilate back into mainstream society.

He realized that while there was a multitude of services available for veterans, it was an overwhelming task for him to navigate through it all. Therefore, he created WBN to be that digital platform.

In conjunction with Susan Watson Turner, an Associate Professor of Music Multimedia Theatre and Dance Department at Lehman College. He partnered
with Susan Watson Turner to create an entity in WBN that commits to training veterans, and families and friends in digital multimedia production.

Our Community Partners


Our Mission

Army Boots


We aspire to be the information source that bridges the gap between mainstream society and its veterans.

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We are a source of entertainment for veterans to enjoy, be inspired by, and participate in as a career opportunity to learn the full scope of Digital Multimedia Production. 



Our intent is to be a resource to help veterans navigate through the multiple opportunities available to build careers, achieve homeownership and healthcare services.

Our Services


& Entertainment

WBN develops original programming for national and international distribution. Our
team has produced a series of four episodes entitled
Conversations from the Inside, and a narrative film entitled Rapid Deployment which screened in Berlin, Germany in May 2019. 

Production-Based Apprenticeships

In conjunction with Lehman College Office of Veteran Affairs, WBN employs three production-based apprentices who are training in the production fields; each supports the work of WBN alongside a professional. This will begin to build an internal production staff for the increased production activity.

Meet Our Team

Richard C. Best

CEO, Co-Founder, and Veteran 

Mr. Best is a retired business executive and Vietnam Veteran. He brings his business expertise to this project as well as his keen understanding of the plight of the Veteran in America. He is a native of Brooklyn NY and continues to serve his country through service to his fellow Veterans as a volunteer and counselor.


We believe all veterans can embrace who they are, can define their future, and change their world for the better.

Help WBN continue to empower all veterans.

We Need Your Support Today!

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